If someone were to ask me what is my favorite thing I would say “peace and quiet”. That may sound a bit pessimistic but it’s not meant to be. As a true introvert, I have never been a big fan of crowds and commotion. I get why people like these environments, but they are not for me.
Most of us have probably heard the expression about the difference between lonely and being alone. I spent a great deal of time on my own, sometimes by choice and sometimes not. I am very good at being alone without being lonely. It is no exaggeration to say I am my own best friend.
This mindset extends to my preferences as a photographer. I often seek out places that are remote and desolate.
The first photograph to the left is an image of the old coast guard station at Oregon Inlet along North Carolina’s outer banks. Looking at it, you can almost hear the sound of the wind and the waves and nothing else.
The second photo is an image of a favorite tree that grows along the Blue Ridge Parkway in southern Virginia. I always stop to visit and photograph it whenever I am travelling that way. This particular specimen is a large oak that stands alone in an expansive meadow. I think this tree is more majestic and striking because it is solitary. It seems happy in its isolation.
I would not describe my photographic style as minimalistic but rather “simplified”. I always strive to separate the main subject from its surroundings. Deciding what not to show in an image is just as important, if no more so, than what to include. It also seems to have a calming effect on me, and hopefully on the viewer as well.
What about you? Do you have a favorite destination that is quiet and peaceful? Or maybe it is an activity or distraction? Please click on the “leave comment” link above. I would love to hear from you. Also, if you would like to see all of my current galleries click here or click the link at the top of the page.
Anywhere with water. Your photo of Ft. Fisher seashore hangs in my studio and inspires me every day!